Want Big Things Out of Life?…Then Learning is the Greatest Secret 

“Experience is not the best teacher; evaluated experience is.”—John Maxwell

So many persons are of the opinion that success is the best teacher. While others arguably believe that failure teaches better lessons than success. I am not here to propose or oppose either of the opinions. In either of the two axioms, there’s a common denominator, LEARNING. Obviously, we learn from both.

Learning is an ongoing, active processes of inquiry, engagement and participation in the world around us. It is a fundamental element of success. Hence, the more we learn, the better we become at what we do.

While growing up, I failed in many areas of my life as much as I have succeeded. But then, I discovered that it isn’t failure or the success that defines a man, rather his decision to learn from his experiences. Learning provides us with invaluable foundation for the future.

Interestingly, success in life is a product of diligent learning and putting what is learnt to action. Failure also can be a product of failing to learn. Are you surprised? What you earn can be attributed to what you learn. You cannot rise beyond the sphere of your knowledge.

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”—Mahatma Gandhi

One of the greatest things you can do for yourself is to learn from every single day you have. Each day of our lives is packed with nothing but opportunities to learn and project ourselves towards success. To live a day without learning something new is a mega failure. This is why, the success of each day should be measured by what we learn.

When we take a closer look at the great thinkers throughout history, we will discover that a willingness to learn isn’t a new or extraordinary thought at all. From the likes of Socrates, Gandhi, Edison and Freud to the business mavericks and sports legends of today. They are men that gave in to learning. This is the secret of their success.

To achieve the greatest success, you have to embrace the prospect of learning and give it your all.

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Do you believe in the power of learning? If yes, kindly share with us how it made an impact in your life as we will be glad to hear from you. 

Author: Acha Harrison

Acha Harrison is my name, a young, passionate Personal Development Strategist & Blogger| Content Creator|Social Entrepreneur| Social Media Enthusiast| and a Passion Coach. I help youth discover their passion by leveraging on voluntarism and social media. Also, I help individuals and businesses optimize their brand to gain visibility on social media.

11 thoughts on “Want Big Things Out of Life?…Then Learning is the Greatest Secret ”

  1. Knowledge is power
    What we’ve learnt in life, is a powerful weapon to combat ignorance
    Love this article
    I want to learn new thing every day to be the master of my game.

    More power 💪 to you

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The JM quote you shared has been an inspiration for me in my growth journey. Evaluation of past lessons is the key to growth. You said “One of the greatest things you can do for yourself is to learn from every single day you have.” I agree whole heartedly. A commitment to learning is the greatest gift we can give ourselves.

    Liked by 1 person

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