10 Lessons I Wish I Knew When I Was 10

As life experiences and study began to unveil to me secrets of being a top flyer, I have come to the understanding of life’s true meaning. These lessons I will be sharing with you, have made a huge impact in my life as of recent and I just wish I knew these lessons many years ago when I was 10. These lessons still have the great capacity to propel you to greatness irrespective of where you are now.
Lets take a look at these lessons:

1. Believe in yourself
The human mind is a wonderful thing. It allows us to form opinions about ourselves and others. The truism is, you are your own worst critic, and so can you be your own best supporter. Believing in your abilities, talent, skill is the best thing you can ever do for yourself. Your self worth is the outcome of your believe system. You must have faith in your intrisic worth. Having faith in you bolster selfesteem and confidence in life. You can do more than you can imagine if you believe in you.

2. Learn to ask great questions
You don’t know everything and odds are you’ll find yourself around people who are a lot smarter than you. Stay curious and ask great questions. We grow in knowledge and wisdom through questioning certain facts and seeking clarity. Knowledge is king. Ask, Ask and Ask!

3. It’s YOU Vs YOU
Stop comparing yourself to others. You might never be the strongest person in the gym, the richest guy on a Forbes list or the fastest guy in the marathon. If that upsets you, you’re missing the point. But rather, concentrate on being better today than you were yesterday. If you keep doing that, you’ll be successful. It may not happen right away, just give it time and stay focused on improving just a little every day, you’ll amaze yourself. Go Find Yourself!

4. Make people feel good
Never underestimate the power of a simple compliment. Make the people around you feel good, I bet you, the world will return the favor. People seem to have a way of remembering the people who made them feel special. Be the reason why someone will smile today.

5. Self awareness
With our busy schedule, it might be difficult to find time to think about who we are, our strengths and weaknesses, our drives and personalities, our habits and value. Besides many of us aren’t inclined to spend much time on self—reflection. Self awareness is really knowing yourself. Lao Tzu once said, “He who knows others is wise. But he who knows himself is enlightened”. The worst of all ignorance is not knowing yourself.

6. Mistakes are part of growth
You don’t have to get it right always. See mistake as a feedback in your journey towards excellence and not an end zone. Mistake gives us an opportunity to learn and grow. It’s not bad to make mistake but it is bad never learning from such mistake.

7. Leverage on what you have
Stevie Wonder can’t see, but he has an exceptional ear for music. Oh yes! He exploited that talent and his passion for music. Today he has 25 Grammy awards to show for it. What is holding you back? Learn to work with what you’ve got instead of complaining about your situation.

8. Network
Meet as many new people as you can in your journey of life. It may not always be clear to you, but the people you meet can help you. Treat everyone like you’d like to be treated (The Golden Rule) and be willing to make new friends. The world is smaller than you think. You’ll be amazed at who is connected to whom.

9. Invest in yourself
“There’s no wealth like knowledge and no poverty like ignorance” says Buddha.
Never stop learning. Yes, school ends at some point, but life is a journey, and if you’re not growing, you’re dying. Learn a new skill, read a new book , learn a language, take a class, learn to dance, learn to play an instrument. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you invest in yourself and you keep growing.

10. Stop worrying so much about what other people think.
Letting the opinions of your peers influence your decisions is one of the worst things you can do. You’ll realize later just how foolish it was. The only thing that is important is what you think and feel about yourself.
Everyone has an opinion, but in reality other’s opinions of you are based more on their history and perceptions than anything you’re actually doing. So while it’s good to ask for feedback, rely on your own assessment of you rather than others.

Life is short but incredible. Wake up and enjoy the ride! 

Be brave enough to live life creatively. The creative place where no one else has ever been—Alan Alda.

Author: Acha Harrison

Acha Harrison is my name, a young, passionate Personal Development Strategist & Blogger| Content Creator|Social Entrepreneur| Social Media Enthusiast| and a Passion Coach. I help youth discover their passion by leveraging on voluntarism and social media. Also, I help individuals and businesses optimize their brand to gain visibility on social media.

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